Yesterday, they came and packed the house and are coming back this morning to load it all in the container. It will take about 6-8 weeks to get to Okinawa. I will be bouncing from each of my kids homes, out CO. for a few days and then home to work one last weekend and then fly out on the 13th.
It did really come up fast. Sometimes I get really excited others I ask myself what was I thinking. Mostly it is about being so far away from my kids, my cat and the beautiful Heber Valley. I will miss some of my co-workers as well.
On the flip side, Okinawa looks beautiful, my new co-workers sound awesome and hey, I've learned some Japanese so I have to go use it. My postings here may drop off for a bit because I don't have a laptop and so must rely on others to allow me to use their computers. Ja Matta!